Ways to Avoid Tree-Related Wildlife Problems
Ways to Avoid Tree-Related Wildlife Problems
Trees are obviously important to local wildlife, but many fail to consider how the trees affect local birds, bugs, and other critters. Helping wildlife is generally a good thing. But in other cases, supporting local animals can cause headaches for homeowners and property managers. So, consider some of the ways the trees will affect local wildlife species and be sure that you aren’t causing problems for yourself down the road.Here are some Ways to Avoid Tree-Related Wildlife Problems
Use Discretion When Installing Nut- or Fruit-Bearing Trees
Many beloved tree species – including oaks, apples, and cherries, among others – make excellent additions to your property. But when installed haphazardly or without forethought, they can cause more problems than they’re worth. Accordingly, you’ll want to be sure to consider the way these edible items will attract wildlife.
For example, an old white oak growing in the middle of a wide-open lawn may very well attract some squirrels and jays. But because it is growing away from fence lines, bushes, and other sources of cover, the aesthetic and monetary value of the tree may far outweigh the problems caused by a few bushy-tailed rodents.
Conversely, a row of young Northern Red Oaks growing alongside a driveway may cause huge problems. As the trees approach maturity, they’ll begin showering the area with acorns. This will not only attract rodents (and represent potential trip hazards for humans) but the nooks and crannies along the driveway will likely provide cover and shelter for the rodents too.
Allow this to persist for a few years, and you will need the services of an exterminator, and the exterminator will likely tell you that the trees – which you may have installed – will need to go.
Trees don’t only provide food and shelter for wild animals; they also provide travel routes. This is especially true for squirrels, chipmunks, rats, and other rodents, who’ll often use branches to move between trees and your home.
So, if the trees in your yard are providing the local wildlife with easy access to the roof and attic, serious problems are essentially guaranteed. This is particularly true if the offending trees are of the nut- or fruit-producing variety.
Fortunately, addressing this issue is relatively straightforward: Simply by having a Certified Arborist like Johnson Ops Tree Care, prune these branches and establish a roughly 10-foot gap around the roofline.
As a bonus, keeping tree limbs away from rooflines will also reduce some of the fire-safety concerns that are important in some areas.
Deal with Stumps in a Sensible Manner
Living trees serve as an important resource for wild animals and wildlife, but it is important to note that dead stumps can also be very important for small animals – particularly rodents, snakes, and stinging insects. As a tree stump begins to decay and the soil around it begins to soften, animals will often begin making and inhabiting tunnels and burrows in the area. Over time, these stumps can transform into veritable ecosystems and represent a serious threat to the health and safety of your property.
Unfortunately, there aren’t many hard-and-fast rules regarding the best way to remove stumps to prevent rats and other critters from moving in and setting up shop. You’ll often find that grinding the stump down as flush with the ground as possible is the best plan of action, but at other times, it may be wiser to dig up the bulk of the stump and roots and then pack the area with fill dirt.
Final Thought
Have a professional assessment of your landscap, by calling Johnson Ops Tree Care at 608 526-6297