Poorly Planted Trees
Poorly planted trees might harm your home’s structure and endanger your family’s safety.
When trees are improperly planted on your property, they can negatively impact the structure in a number of ways. Read on to learn what Poorly planted trees can cause:
- The greatest threat to your property comes from large tree roots. Although they are gentle giants, trees need adequate space to develop their large, amazingly robust roots. The roots of a tree will discover ways to expand out beneath your soil no matter how much room they have. This is frequently what results in structural harm. Trees that were not properly planted can damage home foundations, driveways, and even sidewalks.
- Poorly planted trees can result in roof damage and clogged gutters. If a tree becomes too close to your house, its limbs may hang over the roof. Hanging branches can increase the corrosion of your shingles by rubbing against your roof. If your gutters are not cleaned out after your tree sheds its leaves and branches, they will clog and hinder the drainage of your gutters.
- Branches can damage your home’s exterior. Tree branches and twigs can cause cosmetic damage to the surface of your home as they grow and scratch against the paint.
- Dead trees can cause harm to your loved ones. Dead branches are unpredictable and can pose a safety hazard for your family and loved ones by falling off at the wrong time.
Johnson Ops Tree Care strives to offer the best tree care while assisting you in making the right tree selection for your landscaping. Partnered with Legacy Trees we have developed a system that ensures your trees won’t grow girdling roots or be planted too deep. Visit our Tree Nursery to view our selection of trees, or give us a call at (608) 526-6297 to schedule a consultation with a certified arborist.