Logging and Its Effect on the Environment
Logging and Its Effect on the Environment. Illegal logging operations bring detrimental impacts to forest systems. The threat of deforestation makes illegal logging a hazard to both humans and wildlife. Too much timber harvesting threatens the ecosystem as it increases free carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which contributes to greenhouse gasses. Trapped heat caused by greenhouse gasses, meanwhile, is one of the top factors behind climate change.
Irresponsible logging without the guidance of a certified arborist often leads to the destruction of remaining forest systems. Professional arborists follow guidelines and standards to regulate tree removal for environmental safety. Unsupervised logging can lead to deforestation, which destroys an ecosystem’s biodiversity and affect humans. Here are some of the most common effects of logging on the environment:
Soil Erosion
Trees provide strength and nutrients to forest soil. When trees are abundant, forest soil is less likely to erode and cause landslides. Tree roots act as the foundation of forest land and keep it from collapsing. Deforestation exposes soil to rainwater which loosens up its particles and causes soil erosion. Tree cutting must always have ethical reasons with arborist supervision.
Loss of Animal Habitat
Forests serve as the natural habitat of most plant species and land animals. Trees provide shelter to animal species that are part of an area’s ecosystem. Deforestation can affect the temperatures and food resources of species that rely on trees. Excessive logging can prove to be fatal to many animal species. That is why we need to consult certified arborists about proper wood logging.
Disease and Insect Outbreaks
Logging increases the chances of introducing and spreading lethal tree diseases, especially through tree stumps. Infection can spread among trees and invite unwanted pests that damage tree health and forests as a whole. The best way to avoid tree infections is to seek the services of a professional arborist.
Wildfire Risks
Logging causes native forests to become more flammable and susceptible to wildfire. Deforestation is a fire hazard to communities. It increases the number of dead surface fuels that react with a high climate temperature. Young plants become flammable as they dry out in the absence of a forest canopy. A forest exposed to too much sun and rapid winds is more likely to start a wildfire.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Forests that are abundant with trees reduce the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. In the United States, logging is the leading cause of carbon emissions. All forms of logging emit carbon dioxide as carbon stored inside trees gets released during the production of lumber and biomass. Curbing carbon emissions requires the protection of forests and logging regulations.
Carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas that comprises about three-quarters of emissions. Greenhouse gases cause climate change as excessive heat gets trapped in our atmosphere. Protecting trees is the most effective way to combat climate change brought by greenhouse gases. Communities can seek certified arborists for guidance when it comes to tree planting and forest care.
Contact Certified Arborists for Responsible Tree Care
Care for the environment by avoiding irresponsible logging. Seek safe and ethical tree removal with certified arborists from Johnson Ops Tree Care in Holmen, WI. See our complete tree care services or reach out to us to request an estimate!