6 Reasons Why Tree Diversity Is Important
Trees provide many benefits like absorbing noise, giving us privacy, and freshening up the atmosphere. But we must be careful in choosing which species to place in one area. After all, having diverse trees can be more advantageous in the long run. To help you understand, here are reasons why tree diversity is essential:
1. It Can Support the Ecosystem
Having many species of trees in your area can promote physical and mental well-being in your community. That’s because spending time around trees can improve one’s mood, reduce stress, and lower blood pressure.
Trees can also enhance soil quality and improve water quality since they collect and filter rainwater. Plus, tree diversity can increase the number of pest predators and pollinators in your area.
2. It Can Prevent Pest Issues
When a nonnative pest steps into your region, it will quickly reproduce and spread to similar trees. This situation can be a problem in your area if you only have one type of tree since you may have to deal with a widespread infestation. Tree diversity can prevent this issue from happening since there are fewer host trees that can support the pests’ population.
3. It Can Improve Forest Resilience
Some trees can withstand harsh conditions better than others. So, planting various tree species can increase the forest’s resistance to disturbances. Tree diversity may lead to fewer resources for herbivores, more predation and symbiosis, and higher compatibility between the traits of species. When a forest is made up of only one, or a few species of trees, it can become vulnerable to environmental changes.
4. It Can Be Aesthetic
A diverse set of trees can be pleasing to look at. You’ll find various shapes of leaves, different shades of flowers, and branches of all angles. If your community is looking to attract tourists, it’s best to plant many trees to make your area appealing. To do this, you can consult experts for tree planning.
5. It Can Help Increase the Number of Raw Materials
When you only have one type of tree in your area, it can limit the materials they yield. You can expand your goods and services by planting more species of trees. When you do that, you can get more assorted products for medicine, tools, shade, and fuel.
Additionally, different kinds of trees can provide nutritious food like fruits, nuts, and vegetables throughout the year. To achieve that, you can plan which tree to plant depending on your needs.
6. It Can Improve Wildlife Habitat
Our landscapes should have tree diversity to provide more food and shelter to wildlife. If we plant various types of trees, we can sustain a habitat for many animals all year round.
Turn to Trusted Professionals for Assistance
If you’re still curious about tree diversity, then get in touch with us at Johnson Ops Tree Care in Holmen, WI. We have experts who can explain more about this subject and help you plan, plant, or remove trees. Get in touch with us to learn more about our tree care services.